Software and Engineering Services
FlexSci Professional Services Organization is comprised of personnel with a
diverse breadth of education, skills, training, and experience. Our
staffs are experts in numerical simulation.
Our experience covers a variety of projects: from initial development
of new systems to the incremental enhancement and maintenance of large
existing systems.
Scientific Computing / Modeling
Consulting on all aspects of parallel computing, including software
development, parallel computing architecture design, cluster
management, parallel file systems, and high-speed networks. Specific
areas of expertise include parallel algorithm development, advanced
software profiling and debugging tools, message passing (MPI) and
shared memory (OpenMP) based parallel computing, performance tuning,
scientific programming, and Linux based cluster management. A course on
high-performance computing is also offered. Past projects have included:
- 1. Assisted development of scalable parallel algorithms in CAE
- 2. Performance evaluation of competing hardware and software technologies for high-performance computing applications
- 3. Performance improvements through the development of detailed performance models
Computer Software Engineer
Computer Software Engineers have extensive knowledge of software design
and development. Our Computer Software Engineers are qualified to
provide state-of-the-art, real-time automation and simulation software
design and development and are also qualified to perform verification
and validation of developer software designs. They have experience with
leading edge software development tools and technologies as well as
mastering many legacy and most recent development languages.